If the exterior of your home is starting to look shabby and worn out, the solution might be simpler than you think: replacing your siding. Yes, a new siding will not only give your home a new and improved look, but it'll also increase your property's value. Perhaps, you are thinking about updating your home's siding but want to know more about the cost to replace siding. This informative blog post is here to help you with this and more. It won't only guide you on the costs of replacing your home's siding but help you understand the factors that influence these costs.

Understanding The Average Cost to Replace Siding

The cost to replace siding depends on a myriad of factors. The national average sits between $5,000 to $14,050, according to HomeAdvisor, with most homeowners spending about $10,283. This cost includes the fee for the contractor, the materials, product delivery, installation labor, site preparation, and clean-up after the work is done.

Factors Influencing Siding Replacement Cost

Different factors have a significant impact on the total cost to replace siding. These include:

  • Material type: The type of siding material you choose will significantly influence the cost. Popular materials include vinyl, wood, fiber cement, and metal. Each has different costs, lifespan, and maintenance needs.

  • Siding style: Style variations can also steer the price in a significant way, for example, shake-style vinyl siding would be more expensive than traditional panels.

  • Home size and layout: The bigger your home, the more materials and labor you will need which directly impacts your overall costs.

  • Removal of existing siding: The cost to remove and dispose of existing siding can add to your overall expenses.

  • Region and Labor costs: Labor costs can fluctuate greatly depending on your location. Additionally, if your house has complex designs and hard-to-reach places, the labor cost might be higher due to the difficulty and time required.

Costs Involved in Different Types of Siding Replacement

As aforementioned, the type of material you choose significantly impacts the cost to replace siding. Here's a deeper look into the expenses for some commonly used materials:

Vinyl Siding Replacement Costs

Vinyl is a popular choice for homeowners due to its durability, aesthetic appeal, and maintenance ease. On average, vinyl siding costs range between $3 and $11 per square foot when installation is included. For a typical house covering 1,500 sq ft, the cost would typically run between $4,500 and $16,500.

Fiber Cement Siding Replacement Costs

Fiber cement siding is loved for its ability to mimic the appearance of wood yet offering more durability and less maintenance. The cost for this type of siding typically falls around $6 to $13 per square foot, including installation. For a house of about 1,500 sq. ft., you are looking at a total cost of between $9,000 to $19,500.

Aluminum Siding Replacement Costs

Aluminum siding is known for its fire resistance, durability, and the ability to resist pests. The costs sit between $3 to $6 per square foot, inclusive of installation. For a typical house size, you should plan to spend anywhere between $4,500 and $9,000.

Other Considerations

Apart from the siding's material and installation costs, other costs can make up the total amount you spend on your siding replacement. These may include:

  • Trim installation: If you're planning on replacing your trims too, factor in about $1,000-$5,000 to your total cost.

  • Repair work: If your property has underlying structural damage, this would need to be corrected before installing the new siding, which could cost an additional $1,000-$4,500 depending on the extent of damage.

The cost to replace siding can vary greatly depending on several factors. By understanding these factors, you will be in a better position to budget for your siding replacement project and ensure you make an informed decision.

FAQs About the Costs to Replace Siding

What factors contribute to the cost of replacing siding?

Several factors play into the overall cost of replacing siding on your home. The material used is one of the most significant factors. Vinyl, wood, brick, stone, and fiber cement all have different cost points. Another factor is the size and complexity of your home. More surface area or intricate detailing can increase labor costs. The condition of your current siding can also have an effect if repair work needs to be done before new siding is installed.

Is vinyl siding cheaper to replace than other materials?

Generally, vinyl siding tends to be one of the less expensive options when it comes to replacing siding. However, it should be noted that the quality of vinyl siding can vary, and high-quality vinyl will cost more. Be sure to factor in considerations like longevity and maintenance when comparing costs.

Would I save money if I did a DIY siding replacement instead?

While it might be tempting to save money by replacing your siding yourself, there are a few things to consider before choosing this route. Installing siding can be complex and requires specific skills to ensure proper installation. Any mistakes made during installation can cause problems down the line, potentially adding more costs. Plus, professionals often get better prices on materials because they buy in bulk.

How much does it cost to replace siding on a 1500 square foot house?

The cost to replace siding can greatly depend on the type of material you choose. For instance, vinyl siding replacement for a 1500 square foot house might range from $6,000 to $8,000, while higher-end materials like stone or wood could increase this cost significantly.

Can replacing siding increase the value of my home?

Absolutely. An attractive and well-maintained exterior can significantly boost your home's curb appeal, which in turn can raise its resale value. If your existing siding is damaged or worn out, replacing it can be an excellent investment.

Do I have to replace all the siding at once, or can I do it in parts over time?

While it can be tempting to replace sections of siding over time to spread out the cost, it's important to remember that this approach might be more expensive in the long run. Replacing all the siding at once ensures that all your exterior materials will age and weather at the same rate. Doing it in sections could lead to noticeable differences in appearance and durability.

Can insurance cover some of the siding replacement costs?

Home insurance policies may cover siding replacement if the damage was caused by an event that is covered under the policy, such as a storm or fire. However, normal wear and tear or issues resulting from improper maintenance typically aren't covered. If you're considering filing a claim, consult with your insurance company to understand the specifics of your policy regarding siding replacement.

Are there alternatives to siding replacement that could save me money?

If your siding is still structurally sound and you're looking for a refresh on your home's exterior, a paint job could be an affordable alternative to a full siding replacement. However, it's important to keep in mind that painting your siding will not address any underlying structural issues and may need to be done more frequently than a full siding replacement.

How can I budget for a siding replacement project?

Start by getting estimates from several reputable siding contractors to get an idea of the cost. From there, look at your finances to determine how much of the project you can pay for upfront, what you can save for, and whether you might need to consider financing options. Keep in mind that it's also wise to budget for unexpected costs that could arise during the project.

Pros of Replacing Siding

Durability and Longevity

  • One significant advantage of replacing your old siding with new vinyl or fiber-cement siding is the longevity. These materials are designed to last for many decades, thereby saving homeowners the recurring cost of unnecessary repairs.
  • New sidings are typically engineered to resist elements like wind, heat and insects hence it can withstand harsh weather conditions better than the old ones.

Improved Home Aesthetics

  • Replacing siding gives your home a fresh, new look. This can significantly elevate your home's curb appeal, which may increase its resale value.
  • New siding offers a variety of color and style options, allowing homeowners to customize their homes' exterior to their taste.

Increased Energy Efficiency

  • New sidings, particularly insulated ones, provide a seal against air leaks and help to maintain the interior temperature of your house, which could potentially lower heating and cooling costs.
  • This improved energy efficiency contributes to a more comfortable indoor environment and can reduce your carbon footprint.

Improved Home Value

  • Considering that new siding improves the look of your home and offers increased energy efficiency, it's no surprise that it can also boost your property's value.

Cons of Replacing Siding

High Initial Cost

  • One of the most significant disadvantages of replacing siding is the initial cost. High-quality materials and professional installation can be expensive. The cost to replace siding can vary greatly depending on the size of your home, the type of siding you choose, and your geographic location.

Time Consuming

  • Replacing siding isn't a quick project. It can take several days or even weeks to complete, depending on the size of your home and the extent of the replacement. This could be inconvenient, especially if you need to move out temporarily.

Potential for Incorrect Installation

  • There's always a risk of incorrect installation when replacing siding. If not installed properly, new siding can lead to issues like water damage, which can cause extensive damage over time. Hiring skilled, experienced professionals can mitigate this risk although this might increase the cost to replace siding.

Disposal of Old Siding

  • Once your new siding is installed, you'll need to dispose of your old siding, which can be cumbersome and potentially costly. Some types of old siding may contain materials that require special disposal procedures, further adding to the cost to replace siding.

Temporary Disruption

  • While the siding is being replaced, you might experience disruption as contractors work on your property. Depending on the extent of the work, you may need to make temporary adjustments to your daily routine, like parking your car elsewhere or tolerating some noise and dust around your property.

While the cost to replace siding may seem high initially, the potential benefits such as improved aesthetics, increased home value, and energy efficiency can outweigh the cons in the long run. This is especially true if the existing siding is old, damaged, and less efficient. However, homeowners should carefully consider these factors and have a clear budget and plan in place before replacement, as the cost to replace siding can vary widely.


So, after sorting through all the technicalities, it's clear the cost to replace siding isn’t a small figure. It’s an investment that requires careful consideration. However, don't let the upfront cost scare you. Remember, new siding can greatly enhance the overall look and value of your property. Plus, when it comes to energy efficiency and maintaining a comfortable home, the benefits are undeniable.

At this point, you'll appreciate that the cost to replace siding is influenced by so many variables. Each provider, material, and home is unique. It's essential to do the groundwork - understand your own needs, and reflect them in the choices you make. You’ll need to find a balance between style, durability, maintenance, and cost to ensure you are truly satisfied with your investment.

Wrap up, the cost to replace siding on your home is anything but insignificant. That being said, it is a worthwhile venture when you consider the curb appeal, value increase, and potential energy savings it can bring. Just remember to consider all the factors before leaping headfirst into the home improvement. Happy siding!

About US Quality Construction of Columbus

We are US Quality Construction of Columbus, based in the heart of Ohio. We're your friendly neighborhood experts for all your construction and renovation projects. With a perfect blend of professional skills and a friendly approach, we have been building trust in the community for years. We combine the highest quality materials with world-class techniques to deliver premium results. As your reliable partner, we're committed to making your vision into a reality, one step at a time.

Tags: siding replacement, siding cost, home improvement,